

[216]  Xiaozhou Xia#, Xiang Wang, Guangda Lu, Xin Gu*, Weifan Lv, Qing Zhang, Liangzhu Ma. A new nonlocal macro-micro-scale consistent damage model for layered rock mass. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2024. (Accepted)

[215]  Xiaozhou Xia, Xinxiang Xu, Xin Gu*, Qing Zhang An efficient seepage element containing drainage pipe. Water, 2024,16:1440.

[214]  Xing Li#, Xin Gu, Xiazhou Xia, Erdogan Madenci, Aijiu Chen, Qing Zhang*. Peridynamic simulation of micro-internal damage and macro-mechanical properties of cement paste under freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024;93:109759.

[213]  Panyong Liu#, Xin Gu#, Yang Lu, Xiazhou Xia, Erdogan Madenci*, Qing Zhang*. A coupled hygro-mechanical model for moisture diffusion and curling mechanism in saturated and unsaturated soil using ordinary state-based peridynamics. Computers and Geotechnics. 2024,172:106473.

[212]  Tianyi Li#, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang*. A coupled thermomechanical crack propagation behavior of brittle materials by peridynamic differential operator. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences. 2024;140(1):339-361.

[211]  Xuandong Chen#, Xin Gu, Panyong Liu, Jiamin Zhang, Xiaozhou Xia, Qing Zhang*. Peridynamic model for chloride diffusion-reaction in concrete reflecting mesostructure characteristic. International Journal of Fracture, 2024;245:121–135.

[210]  Weifan Lv#, Guangda Lu, Xiaozhou Xia*, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. Energy degradation mode in nonlocal macro-meso-scale damage consistent model for quasi-brittle materials.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2024;130:104288

[209]   Xiaozhou Xia*, Changsheng Qin, Guangda Lu, Xin Gu*, Qing Zhang. Simulation of corrosion-induced cracking of reinforced concrete based on fracture phase field method. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2024;138(3):2257-2276.

[208]  Yanan Zhang#, Erdogan Madenci*, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. A coupled hydro-mechanical peridynamic model for unsaturated seepage and crack propagation in unsaturated expansive soils due to moisture change. Acta Geotechnica, 2023;18:6297-6313. (IF:5.7, WOS:001076186300001)

[207] Bing Chen, Tiantang Yu*, Sundararajan Natarajan, Qing Zhang, Tinh Quoc Bui. Numerical simulation for quasi-static crack growth and dynamic crack branching by coupled state-based PD and XFEM. Acta Mechanica 2023, 10.1007/s00707-023-03585-4.

[206] Xuan Dong, Tiantang Yu*, Qing Zhang, Tinh Quoc Bui. Multiscale freezing-thaw in concrete: A numerical study. Composite Structures 2023;309:116758.(WOS:000927360800001)

[205] Renjie Teng#, Xin Gu, Xiaozhou Xia, Qing Zhang*. Numerical simulation of frost-heave deformation of concrete-lined canal considering thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling effect. Water. 2023;15:1412.

[204] Panyong Liu#, Xin Gu#, Yang Lu, Xiazhou Xia, Erdogan Madenci*, Qing Zhang*. Peridynamics for mechanism analysis of soil desiccation cracking: coupled hygro-mechanical model, staggered and monolithic solution. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2023;406:115896. (IF: 6.588,WOS:000925556600001)

[203] Xiaobing Wang#, Xiaozhou Xia, Renjie Teng, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang*. Risk assessment of dike based on risk chain model and fuzzy influence diagram. Water, 2023;15(1), 108(IF: WOS:)

[202] 张浩田霞, 顾鑫,章青基于粗粒化分子动力学的水化硅酸钙孔隙水冻结模拟计算力学学报. 2023(录用待刊)

[201] 成嘉禾#,顾鑫,章青*. 基于键型近场动力学非连续伽辽金有限元法的爆炸毁伤模拟. 应用数学和力学. 2023;44(4):394-405. 

[200] 李星#顾鑫夏晓舟陈爱玖章青*.考虑相变的近场动力学热-力耦合模型及多孔介质冻结破坏模拟.力学学报,2022,54(12):3310-3318.EI检索号:) 


[198] 陈宣东#,章青*,顾鑫,夏晓舟,林其武.疲劳载荷作用下无砟轨道混凝土轨道板碳化行为的数值模拟.铁道建筑,2022,62(12):17-22.

[197] Wu, Yongjin; Zhang, Qing; Ding, Xiuli; Wang, Hui; Huang, Shuling; Yin, Xiangsong. Deep-Seated Deformation Mechanisms of Excavated Slope and Control Methods: A Case Study 2022.

[196] Xiaobing Wang, Xiaozhou Xia, Xue Zhang, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. Probabilistic assessment of slope stability subjected to water drawdown by finite element limit analysis. Applied Sciences. 2022.

[195] Xing Li, Xin Gu, Xiaozhou Xia, Erdogan Madenci, Xuandong Chen, Qing Zhang. Effect of water-cement ratio and size on tensile damage in hardened cement paste: Insight from peridynamic simulation. Construction and Building Materials. 2022;356:129256. 

[194] Xin Gu, Xing Li, Xiaozhou Xia, Erdogan Madenci* Qing Zhang. A robust peridynamic computational framework for predicting mechanical properties of porous quasi-brittle material. Composite Structures. 2023;303:116245. 

[193] Fei Yang, Xin Gu, Xiaozhou Xia, Qing Zhang. A peridynamics-immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction analysis. Ocean Engineering. 2022; 264:112528

[192] Tianyi Li, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. A peridynamic differential operator-based model for quantifying spatial non-local transport behavior of pollutants in heterogeneous media. Water, 2022.14(16):2455.

[191] Jia Zheng,  Feng Shen* Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. Simulating failure behavior of reinforced concrete T-beam under impact loading by using peridynamics. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2022, 165(12): 104231.

[190] Siyang Yang, Xin Gu, Xiaozhou Xia, Qing Zhang. Explosion damage analysis of concrete structure with bond-associated non-ordinary state-based peridynamics. Engineering with Computers. 2023;39:607-624.

[189]Chen Bing, Yu Tiantang,  Sundararajan Natarajan, Zhang Qing, Bui TQ. Three-dimensional dynamic and quasi-static crack growth by a hybrid XFEM-peridynamics approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022 Jan 7:108205.

[188]Zhang YananErdogan MadenciZhang Qing. ANSYS implementation of a coupled 3D peridynamic and finite element analysis for crack propagation under quasi-static loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021:108179.

[187]Zhao Jingjing, Lu Guangda, Zhang Qing, DuWenchao. Modelling of Contact Damage in Brittle Materials Based on Peridynamics. CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES. 2021;129(2):519-539.

[186]Chen Xuandong, Zhang Qing, Yang Ming, Fu F, Hua Rong. A Numerical study for Chloride Migration in Concrete Under Electrochemical Repair Process. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2021:1-27.

[185]Chen Xuandong, Gu Xin, Xia Xiaozhou, Li Xing, Zhang Qing. A Chemical-Transport-Mechanics Numerical Model for Concrete under Sulfate Attack. Materials. 2021;14(24):7710.



[182]陈宣东,章青,顾鑫,李星基于概率分析的钢筋混凝土结构服役寿命预测研究中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2021, 41(5): 673-678.

[181]Chen Xuandong, Zhan Qing, Chen Ping, Liang Qiuqun. Numerical model for local corrosion of steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete structure[J], Computers and Concrete, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2021) ,385-393.   

[180]徐杭杭,赵士文,刘仲秋,章青,夏晓舟深埋隧洞开挖稳定性评价方法对比研究[J]水力发电. 2021471):44-48.

[179]童靳于,章青,夏晓舟,郑近德,潘海洋.一种基于领域自适应的跨工况滚动轴承故障诊断新方法.固体力学学. 2021,42(03):267-276.

[178]Siyang Yang, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang, Xiaozhou Xia. Bond-associated Non-ordinary State-based Peridynamic Model for Multiple Spalling Simulation of Concrete. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10409-021-01055-5

[177]Wanhan Chen, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang, Xiaozhou Xia. A Refined Thermo-mechanical Fully Coupled Peridynamics with Application to Concrete Cracking. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 20201,242:107463

[176]Xiaozhou Xia, Fei Chen, Xin Gu, Ningzhi Fang, Qing Zhang.Interfacial Debonding Constitutive Model and XFEM Simulation for Mesoscale Concrete. Computers & Structures, 2021,242:106373.


[175] Shen Feng, Yu Yangtian, Zhang Qing, Gu Xin. Hybrid model of peridynamics and finite element method for static elastic deformation and brittle fracture analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2020;113:17-25.

[174]Tianyi Li, Xin Gu, Qing Zhang, Xiaozhou Xia. Elastoplastic constitutive modeling for reinforced concrete in ordinary state-based peridynamics. Journal of Mechanics, 2020,36(6):799-811. 

[173]Tong Jinyu, Luo J, Pan H, Zheng J, Zhang Qing. A Novel Cuckoo Search Optimized Deep Auto-Encoder Network-Based Fault Diagnosis Method for Rolling Bearing. Shock and Vibration. 2020 Sep 24;2020.


[171]Wei Bao,Chuangye Pan, Lu Wang, Qing Zhang, Nenggang Xie.Parallel computingmodes of multiobjective game. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2020; e5687. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.5687

[170]Xin Gu, Qing Zhang. A modified conjugated bond-based peridynamic analysis of impact failure for concrete gravity dam. Meccanica, 2020,55:547-566.

[169]Yunfa Zhang, Xiaozhou Xia, Zhenjie Wu, Qing Zhang. The Effect of Initial Defects on Overall Mechanical Properties of Concrete Material. CMC- Computers Materials & Continua. 2020,62(1):413-442

